A message from Lance

X Marks
The Spot

Welcome to the next world order. American Party 2.0.

My message

The Truth

The election was stolen.

You read that right, but I can prove it.
When you spend BILLIONS of dollars, that comes from who knows where, to send 535 people, who all claim to be patriots, to Washington D.C. and you see what transpires in our name. They are the real fake electors, who swore to lead our country and not participate in a elementary school yard brawl.
I am calling on all Americans to sit up and pay attention. The time to take notes and get ready for the Final Exam of our future. Highjacked from the majority and run by two warring tribes since it all began. We have no choice but to really wake up and try to take back our country.
Everyday we sit is just another day our nation gets deeper in trouble with no sign of a course correction and our leaders cannot even have a civil conversation about what is best for the country. Yes the country. The majority. The drama and dysfunctionality of our government is taking it's toll on the small nobodies like me that can no longer look the other way.
So yes we all got taken by fake electors. The question now is what do we do about it?
United We Stand Divided We Fall - it is that simple.
I have a plan and would like for you to consider it.


Redefine that word.


End using the dreamers as barter tokens. We take strangers from around the world so why would we not take someone that only knows our culture.


Who does not like clean drinking water and clean air to breathe? That should not be a difficult choice for the majority of all citizens to agree on.

Social Care

Read my detailed report.


It is the policy to ignore the majority for the priviledged minority.


A topic needing serious discussion from a real and meaningful group of concerned citizens. The sooner the better! We have placed a tremendous burden on our teachers with students that are less than stable from social media infuence. A runaway mine train is a good label for our education systems.

Our Team

Kathy Hughes


Greg Morgan


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